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About Us

sheepshead minnows
Fathead minnow
Mysid shrimp
Coastal Bioanalysts

Is a full service aquatic toxicology testing and consulting firm.  Freshwater and marine species are used to assess the toxicity of products, surface waters, effluents, whole sediments, pore waters and leachates.  We provide assistance with NPDES permit requirements such as water quality standards, whole effluent toxicity (WET) limits, toxicity identification and source evaluations. For more information please visit our services page

Laboratory building

Our testing facilities are housed in a modern, custom-designed masonry building.  Temperature-controlled testing and culturing labs are equipped with photoperiod controllers, data loggers, aeration systems, and ASTM Type 1 deionized water for preparation of test dilution and culture waters. A 50KW propane-fired generator and on-site deep well insure off-grid maintenance of tests and cultures during emergencies. For more information on our facilities click here.

reference toxicant
Quality Assurance and Quality Control 

Coastal Bioanalysts, Inc. is committed to producing sound, high quality data. We have lower data variability than most other labs across the country. We use routine reference toxicant tests and control charts to track the performance and precision of all test methods. Click here for more information.

NELAP Accredited Laboratory
Certifications and Accreditation

We are fully accredited for freshwater and estuarine toxicity testing methods under the National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP).  Staff memberships include American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), The NELAC Institute (TNI), and the Water Environment Federation.  We have actively sat on TNI expert committees for the past two decades including the Quality Systems, WET Proficiency Testing, and WET Expert Committees. Click here for a copy of our current NELAP certificate.

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